Sachin Hatikankan

Sachin Hatikankan

UiPath new Reframework changes

  • Added Orchestrator Queue folder name in config and also an input argument in Main

  • Process.xaml moved to the framework folder

  • SetTransactionStatus.xaml

  • was added after process.xaml in the same try block
  • was also added for each type of exception (System or Business) *** That means it is no longer in the finally block***
  • Added maximum consecutive retry number for persistent system exceptions. If that retry number was reached then the job is marked as failed

  • Failed queue items updates with the location of associated exception screenshot

  • In the init state the screen resolution can be logged

  • If the declared asset in config (Assets sheet) is missing in orchestrator then the process stops in the init phase itself, which was not happened in the previous versions

  • Also added some test cases related to the workflows that uses new features of Test Suite

Post reference: "Automate with UiPath - Youtube channel"