UiPath Timezone class implementation
In this blog, lets discuss about a scenario where you are suppose to check the date and time in the bot machine where the bot is running.
You need to get the date and time because you want to stop the bot once it has reached a particular time and get the output summary file report generated. (Eg.; 9:30 PM IST)
Seemingly , straightforward scenario if the machine were bot is running is in the same timezone where the business team is working.
If the bot is in the same timezone then DateTime.Now is what everyone will be using to get the current date time and let bot perform the subsequent actions required.
However, when the bot machine is not in the same timezone then business might face issue because summary report will not be sent by the bot at 9:30 PM IST because the machine where the bot is running is in UTC timezone and the time in that machine is different.
In this case, bot will send the output summary file only when 9:30 PM UTC time has been reached.
Also, keeping in mind the constraint is UiPath orchestrator infrastructure set up is in UTC timezone which RPA CoE team prefers and updating timezone and date time is not an option.
To overcome such a problem, we can use timezone class available in .Net
Refer the code implementation of the timezone class and its usage in UiPath which provides the answer to the above scenario. Refer the xaml files here
Post reference:
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.timezone?view=net-7.0