Sachin Hatikankan

Sachin Hatikankan Sentiment analysis Challenge

Follow the steps below to work on senitment analysis challenge (Steps taken from

Step 1 – Sign in to your account OR sign up HERE (it’s free)

Step 2 – Install Node.js on your machine: (skip if already installed).

Step 3 – Create a new folder on your device and paste the sentiment script and package.json file in it. Access HERE

Step 4 – Create a .txt file with a verse from your favorite love song and save it in the same folder as the one you created above.

Step 5 – Open the terminal application on your machine and move to the folder in which you have pasted the script.

Step 6 – Grab both your appId and your appSecret from your account and insert it in the script.

Step 7 – Run the script using “node script_name.js filename.txt” command.